miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2008

$179.97 Joel Therien Aspartame Kiosk.Ws HotConference.com



To: Anyone who may be struggling trying to build a true online business...
From: Joel Therien

Dear Friend,

an you believe that I spent almost 12 hours a day in a small 800 ft.² row house often close to tears because my wife had given me the ultimate ultimatum? Yeah I know you're probably giggling already, but I got..

"It's me or the computer, because ultimately, you're not making a dime online, I am the only one working, we have a baby coming and I will soon be off work on maternity leave."

For two full years, even though my expenses were relatively little in my 800 square-foot row house, I was near emotional, physical, and financial ruin. After all, my wife was right!

Everyone else seemed to be making money online except for me.

Do you mind if I share something with you that less than a handful of people know? This experience and memory is so fresh and raw that brings me to pause, as if it happened yesterday as I write to you at 4:15 a.m. Central standard Time.

I want to share this with you, not to look for pity, but in the hopes of empowering you to build your business, to acquire the knowledge, to have massive passion, to change your life and to acquire the things you know you deserve!

I did not get online, initially to build a business! What? Come on Joel, then what is the point of all this?

I initially got on line, because I was a "medical mystery". I had been misdiagnosed with either Lou Gehrig's disease, multiple sclerosis, or brain cancer. Pre-Internet, and pre-illness, I had a thriving personal training career and a second awesome job at the Montford hospital in Ottawa Ontario Canada as a cardiac rehab specialist.

In just three months of acquiring this "medical mystery" I went from a lean 7% body fat at a muscular 240 pounds down to 165 pounds. Yep, I lost 85 pounds, gaining that weight and my health back has been an uphill battle even until today. Just take a look at these dramatic pictures as they will validate what have told you to be true.

O.K. - Time for the Brutal Facts.... Are you ready?

I initially got online, out of sheer desperation to find out what was wrong with my health, and to somehow, someway, contribute financially to my wife and to my unborn child Livija, who is now eight years old.

Thank God, the Internet provided me the answers I was looking for with regards to my health, but it proved, in God's mysterious ways to provide me not only the answers to my health problems but now today has allowed me to build a multi million dollar recurring income business!

If it is Okay with you, I am going to spend one more moment on a health tangent, because what happened to me health wise, is a national underground epidemic. Remember I told you I was a fitness trainer?

Remember I also told you I was walking around with 7% body fat?

Are you ready? Are you sitting down? What caused me to lose my health at a young age of 27 was "ASPARTAME" the artificial sweetener found in all diet soft drinks and in many foods today. I was on diet products that contained aspartame, to maintain low body fat levels.

So if you suffer from brain fog, dizziness, migraines, tingling in the extremities, weakness, or any other neurological disorder then you "may" suffer the same nutritional epidemic that is unexpectedly affecting an estimated 20 million Americans.

There I said it, since the days of my poisoning I have made it my internal mandate to warn the world of the health consequences and the effects of aspartame. I do not look for pity because remember, had it not been for this poisoning I would never be where I am today.

And where I am today is a true blessing. My wife is very thankful that she never went through on her " I am leaving you" ultimatum. After all I'm still on the computer aren't I?

"I do work a lot, I admit that, but it is only because I truly love what I do. When it is not a job, it turns from passion to downright obsession! How many people are lucky enough to say they are obsessed about what they do? My wife Ilona and I, are just about the only family that drop off and pick up our kids from school. If you are parent, I know you would LOVE more time with your kids!

Okay so back to business. You are probably wondering something and you have one burning question for me. "If I have done so well online, why have you not heard my name? Why is my name not synonymous with Mike Filsaime, Mark Joyner, Michael Cheney, Tom Beal, Stephen Pierce and other of the so-called gurus?"

That is a great question! Frankly, I just chose to brand my company name, more than my personal name. Hopefully by now, you have heard of both Kiosk.ws and Hotconference.com

Rather than being a marketer, a celebrity on the front end, I just chose to build my business underground and in quiet. If I was going to build a business, it would be by myself and I would rely on no one. I was already educated, no one could help me or tell me anything!

Sound familiar? Huuuge mistake!

After meeting some of these gurus in person, I realized that these people were just like you and I. Some of the nicest, most giving, and intelligent people I had ever met. The only difference being is that these so-called guru's were smart enough to acquire specialized knowledge through working with each other and masterminding rather than working alone.

What I want to share with you and what my A to Z wealth home study course will do is give you the specialized knowledge that I have learned from my own trial and error and from some of the best Internet minds today to help you build a multi-million dollar business in 1/8 of the time that it took me.

Why in 1/8 the time? Ego aside, do not make the same mistake I did. I chose to go at it alone for the first couple of years. Once I gave in to my ego, and started educating myself from the minds of others who had already been where I wanted to be I went from a dismal four figure income online per year to a seven-figure income rather quickly. Educate yourself to the fullest extent. Trust me when I say "You don't know what you don't know."

The wealthy all agree that you should not take advice from anybody who is not financially more secure than yourself. But you should take advice from from those who are wealthier than you. Why? Because they have acquired and specialized knowledge that can help you get into this same position that they are in at lightning speeds.

Let me give you a few hints..

Here's some of what you'll get from my A to Z wealth home study course series...

  • Why you should not have a visible shopping cart on your web site

  • Learn the real history of my business, and how I built a multi-million recurring income!

  • Do you know the exact width your web site should be for maximum effectiveness and sales. Not knowing can cut your sales effectiveness by 90%

  • Learn the psychology of why people buy online, master it to generate HUGE profits

  • How to generate a RECURRING 6 figure income every month, even while you are asleep!

  • Learn how to generate between 5000 and as much as 28 000 unique visitors per day to your web site

  • Strategies to generate a unique selling proposition in any market that will absolutely destroy your competition.

  • How to find the 10% of true JV partners that will help build 90% of your JV income!

  • How to make sure you site is not a "Flash in The Pan" that has a very short time to live!


  • And much, much more!

If you know how to effectively use all the above strategies then do not read any further, close this web page now..

Ok, so you have not closed your web page, great! Can I assume then that you could learn a little from me? Well, thanks for sticking around, I guess it is up to me a bit to give you a bit of social proof of my claims.

Well here is a most recent screen shot of only 1 of my merchant accounts, never mind paypal, click bank 2 checkout etc! Just click here!

So what's my claim to fame, besides being the web host for the best marketers in the world? Well unlike the many who have seen some element of success, then seem to die off. I've been an expert in generating only a few web site's (2 to be exact) that provide me millions of dollars in residual income. Unlike some of the big boys, who are really good at it, I have not launched a new "one time" product every few months to sustain an income. In fact in 10 years I have launched only 4 web sites.

Listen to the feedback that Stephen Pierce of Dtalpha.com had to give about our course!

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