viernes, 1 de febrero de 2008




Affiliate Whirlwind is a feeder program. Our cost is $10 per month. Every month you pay $10 you will get a new position in our feeder matrix. In 12 months you will have 12 positions.

We use a 3x2 matrix, 12 positions will fill a 3x2 matrix. We are also a company forced matrix. This means that anyone who joins from our extensive admin advertising or people who join without a referral, will be placed into our matrix, from top to bottom, left to right in the next best available position.

For those who are good recruiters or are bringing teams with them, we have a plan as well. For every 10 referrals you bring us, we will give you a new free position in our feeder matrix. And these referrals will be placed under you to help you fill your 3x2 and cycling you faster into the paying program.

Any combination of 12 positions under you will cycle you, either your own referrals or the people we will place under you.

This will not happen over night, but it will happen.

Once a week we will place all cycled members in to the paying program.

The program we will be buying your position into is called Super Eden. Super Eden has a good track record and we have been paid many times exactly as promised. Super Eden Costs $39.95 (plus $3 fee) for a years membership. We will pay the $42.95 and enter you in our downline, then hand the position over to you. There will be no other fee's for 1 year. After 1 year you will have to rebuy in Super Eden. And you will want to rebuy as you will be paid for your downline again.

The 2 main benefits at Super Eden is that you will get free banner advertising for a year, and you will be paid $40 for every 3 people under you. Super Eden is currently paying $50 for your first 3.

Again, this will not happen overnight, but we will place 3 people under you, then put 3 under of each of those people, you will be paid $40 even for the 3 under your first 3. After you fill your 3x2 at Super Eden, they will give you a new, free, position under your first to do it all again.

See for yourself what Super Eden is offering.

So what are we doing?

We are converting your monthly $10 payment, cycling you through our feeder matrix, Entering you into a program costing $42.95, and helping you build a downline that will pay you money for years to come

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