jueves, 21 de febrero de 2008

$200 Per Day Free Report


The $200 Per Day Marketing Blueprint

Thank you for taking the time to download my FREE report! I must also congratulate you in advance, for what you are about to be exposed to will change your life FOREVER!

Click below to add this site to your favorites NOW! This way you won't misplace the link and not be able to find your way back!

From: Andrzej Lenartowski

Your $200Blueprint.com Mentor


Congratulations on your decision to read and take action on this powerful information. Inside this simple report you are about to discover a very easy step-by-step method for generating a ton of traffic and sales on auto-pilot.

I never seek for you to be dependent on me in any way. You will need to do some work in the beginning but, once you understand this report and how it works, you will have more energy than you ever imagined possible to get this going and keep it going indefinitely.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT think that because this report is FREE that it is worthless. Contrary to popular belief I do not think that you have to pay for something to value it. I hope that you do not prove me wrong, for your own sake! If you can't even take the time to read this report I can almost guarantee you Internet marketing is NOT for you. BUT...

If you are finally serious about experiencing financial success online you are in the right place. This is where it all begins for you.

Forget everything you have been taught about generating cash on demand through the Internet. Most of what is sold to good people these days is a bunch of bad advice and “general” information. This is NOT a guide filled with general information. If you take the whole thing in, step-by-step as it is designed, you will understand the following two important points well...

1) You will know what you will be doing
2) You will know why it will work

That is my promise to you this day. This is not a “hobby,” a money game, or some dinky little “Internet program.” This is a SERIOUS business venture that will make you SERIOUS money if you follow the plan laid out for you. Let the lazy “opportunity seekers” waste thousands of dollars on expensive products and programs that promise the world for doing nothing. You are smarter than that right?

You would not believe how many people rush through things, sign up to every new program in pre-launch and expect millions by the morning. I am going to put this bluntly...Don't Be Stupid, and don't give those people your money! They are using you as a personal ATM and that has to stop. You need to be working for YOU, not some Internet or MLM guru liar who is grooming you to be their retirement fund.

To guarantee your success you need to UNDERSTAND what you are reading and why it will work, and THEN act on our perfect step-by-step plan. This will leave no doubt in your mind and you can rest assured that every step you take is purposeful and will be making you money.

This free report will be a VERY detailed report, and will show you step-by-step what you will have to do to become a successful entrepreneur in the shortest time possible. Really read this...It is very detailed but it is the answer to your wildest income dreams – guaranteed!

The truth is this...
You CAN get rich quick! Don't let anyone tell you it is not possible, because it is. You just have to KNOW what to do, and that is where my marketing team comes in.

You are reading this report because you have already come to the realization that you don't need to work for someone else your entire life to be financially stable and successful. We all know how that kind of plan works. You get a FIXED income to do a job you are told to do, which makes the owners more money. They also will pay you as little as possible to make sure they generate the most profits possible. There are actually companies who are hired by huge corporations whose sole purpose is to decide how little they can pay people and still retain them as employees!

I applaud you for deciding that you can make it on your own and do much better at it too. It is the entrepreneurs of the world who are the real heroes in my opinion, and you can count yourself as one of those!

I have been doing business online since early 1999 and bought my first computer that year for the sole purpose of making money with it. I have had many failures and some BIG successes. I have learned all of the tricks the gurus and big time marketers use to relieve us of our hard earned money. They think just like any business owner with employees thinks.

They ask themselves...How can I get the most money out of everyone? They see people as dollar figures and are not afraid to admit it. When is the last time you heard them refer to their list subscribers in dollar figures? Why just the other day I heard a well-known list building guru state that each person on your list is worth a dollar to you. Wow...what a way to value people...I mean de-value people.

Here is a very hard thing to stomach, but it is true nonetheless. The gurus build all of their products and services to bring about one result...to keep the general Internet business public ignorant, poor, and “yearning” for their advice and “guaranteed” money making systems.

It is NOT in their interest for you to become rich, for who would they continue to sell to? Keep this fact in mind the next time some “guru-wannabee” sends you the next BIG product launch that you just have to purchase.

I have been through the ringer and I know what this is all about. My team and I have done the marketing research, hired the web technicians and built the necessary capital up to bring you the BEST WAY to make money online today.

Here is what we are giving you:

1) An excellent product that is in high-demand and that is easy to sell. That will not only cover the immediate side of your income but that will provide you with an ongoing residual income that continues to grow long after you step aside from it.

2) A super-charged and efficient method to sell it. We leave nothing for you to guess about. We tell you step-by-step what you need to do, teach you exactly how to set it up AND provide you with a detailed daily marketing procedure!

3) Teach you exactly how to put 1 and 2 together in the best way possible to create a marketing system unmatched in the industry, and that can be worked with minimal time each day.

4) Lastly, we teach you how to combine all of the above, easily, and in a step-by-step fashion to become financially free in 6 to 12 months!

KEEP READING...Remember not to speed read through this guide or skim over it. If you listen and let it soak in now you won't be confused afterwards or have to read it over and over again. This is YOUR future we are talking about here so do yourself a favor and Pay Attention!

To get the system working well for you will only require 1-3 hours per day. You can work more or less depending on your schedule, but to reach the financially free level within 6 to 12 months you will need to put in at least 10-15 hours per week. We will also provide you with extra steps if you wish to speed up the process and put more into it than that. YOU decide!

As long as you are consistent and complete your minimal daily marketing chores you will be successful. That is the way our system works. You will not see success quickly if you skip a few days and then try to make it all up over the weekend. You will understand why in a moment.

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